Hot Springs High School PTO is selling Homecoming Mums! Order yours now! $20.00 each or $22.00, if personalized. Order from Lena or Melani in the HSHS library. or Or call Melani at 575-894-8359 with your order. Orders will be taken until 3:00pm on Tuesday, September 26th.
HSHS Homecoming is almost here!
Jostens will be at HSHS this Tuesday, September 19th, starting at 11:30 through lunch. Be sure to come visit with them regarding class rings/jewelry and cap & gown orders.
Business Owners, reserve your ad with Ms. Claesson!
Class 2024 Senior FAMILIES, place your senior ad orders with Ms. Claesson!
Contact Ms. Claesson or come by the High School office. Note early bird discount. Price will increase after January 31st!
Federal Funds Survey
Please complete the following federal funds survey for our planning and implementation. This is for all families and stakeholders.
English Version -
Spanish Version -
Deadline: Nov 3, 2023
HSHS College Fair!
Picture Day is coming at HSHS!!!
HSHS JROTC is Sponsoring a Blood Drive!
See flyer for more details. Click on the image to see the full view and QR code.
HSHS PTO - Come Join Our Team!
Parents of HSHS Class of 2024... join this FB group for "all things seniors", "all things Grad Bash"... Stay connected!!!
TCMSD is looking for substitute teachers at all 5 schools: AES, TCES, SEC, TCMS, and HSHS! Call our Central Office for more information.
TCMSD In-Person
Student Registration!
Sports Physicals. July 13th and 14th 9 AM to 4 PM in the Hot Springs High School gym. Free!
Maria Chavez Press Release.
Curry vs Nachos Fund Raiser!
All donations to benefit our HSHS State Champion Envirothon team to go to International Competition in New Brunswick, Canada in July
Press Release: Facilities Director
On Wednesday morning, the Hot Springs HOSA team traveled to Dallas, Texas, for the International Leadership Competition and Conference. They took 11 students and were supported by their Academic Advisors, Ms. Deberry and Mr. Rice. While there, the students competed against students from most states and multiple countries in the areas of many different medical fields.