$100 Cash Prize! Scan the QR code to enter and for details!
12 days ago, Patricia Schwartz
anti litter
Jostens will be at Hot Springs High School, in the atrium, on Thursday, March 6th, starting at 11:00 through lunch, to distribute caps and gowns to your seniors! If you have any questions, please call 575-894-8350.
14 days ago, Patricia Schwartz
Our Junior Class Prom committee is sponsoring a SnowBall Dance on Thursday, February 27th from 6-9pm in the cafeteria. No one over the age of 21 or middle school students will be allowed. If you are bringing a guest from outside our school, you must have an “admission to a closed event” form (located in the office) submitted by Wednesday, the 26th.
18 days ago, Patricia Schwartz
We are thrilled to show you some of the students' art from Mr. Palacios' art class! These are currently in the atrium of the main building at the high school.
20 days ago, Claire Frydenlund
JROTC is sponsoring another Blood Drive! Scan the QR code below for details and scheduling... or click this link https://donors.vitalant.org/dwp/portal/dwa/appointment/guest/phl/timeSlotsExtr?token=aAIlKKflOu%2Bnpcj7KWAb1P9xqb7GaEKIsCO27CiuTWo%3D
20 days ago, Patricia Schwartz
2025 Senior Scholarships are ready! Please keep this link available, it will be frequently updated. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Hernandez in the office. https://app.goingmerry.com/scholarships-widget/28d6cc2a-750c-497e-9260-32150ea1b506?themeColor=%233f51b5
20 days ago, Claire Frydenlund
2025 Tiger Graduate
HSHS February Newsletter, click here https://secure.smore.com/n/6wv9qm
21 days ago, Daniel Fetty
Mark Your Calendars! HSHS College, Career, and Community Resources Event!
26 days ago, Patricia Schwartz
career night
This is a reminder that Hot Springs High School's Parent/Teacher Conferences will be tomorrow, Thursday, February 13th from 3:30 to 7pm and Friday, February 14th from 7:45 to 11:15am. There will be no school for students on Friday. Please come pick up your students' progress reports and visit with their teachers
27 days ago, Patricia Schwartz
Hot Springs High School cordially invites you to Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, February 13th from 3:30 to 7pm and Friday, February 14th from 7:45 to 11:15am. There will be no school for students that Friday. Please come pick up your students' progress reports and visit with their teachers
29 days ago, Patricia Schwartz
Be sure to reserve your copy of HSHS 2025 Yearbook!
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. title:Shark poaching survey:A small and quick survey to ask what you may know about the effects of shark poaching URL code: https://forms.gle/Dcpb8K6dVMvuMuFk7
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. I am a senior at HSHS. I am trying to put together a community survey for my capstone project. Would it be a possibility to publish said survey through our school website? I think it’s a lovely community resource. I have attached the survey link if you’d like to take a look at it! Survey Title: Rural Cosmetology affordability Survey Information: This survey is analyzing the data of the reasoning why people go to the salons/ barbers & nail technicians either in town or out of town. This survey is also getting information on what our local resources can improve for those services. URL: https://forms.gle/s4GW3h28mzHfQrgw6
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. I am working on a capstone for my senior project. The capstone is on Sierra Nutrition. Could you please post the following information to the schools social media pages, to help me gather data and complete my capstone project? Survey Title: Sierra County Nutrition Survey Survey Information: I am a senior at Hot Springs High School. I am interested in nutrition as a future career. I want to conduct a study on nutrition in Sierra county for my senior capstone project. The following survey is completely anonymous. I need truthful answers so that my data is accurate. I appreciate the time you have taken to complete this survey and aid me in my future goals. URL: https://forms.gle/Y1ktEQyShAxBZkAQ8
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. I am working on my Senior Capstone project. This project is about access to Medical treatment in Rural areas. Could you please help me get this information to our community so I could gather more data on how people feel about our medical treatment? Survey title: Access to Medical Treatment in Rural Areas Survey Information: For this study I am analyzing how our communities feel about the access to medical treatment. For the purposes of this study we will break emergency medial care and specialty or chronic medical care access into two categories. URL: https://forms.gle/4Chum9E3KshXUkgK8
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. I've been working on my senior capstone directed towards women's health care. I have created a survey to help me gather more information. It would be beneficial to my research if you could please post my capstone survey in the schools social media pages. Survey title: Healthcare for you Survey Information: This capstone is about women's health care needs in Sierra County. I am conducting this survey to learn more about how accessible, reliable, and trustworthy women in our community feel about their health care and needs. URL: https://forms.gle/LUJUWsTD2NWHKN5H7
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. I am working on my capstone project. This project is about juvenile crime in our community. Could you please post this to the school's social media pages? Survey title: Juvenile crime in Sierra country Survey information: I am conducting a survey for my senior capstone and would like to get your opinion on juvenile crime and how it can be improved in Sierra county. Thank you and if you have any questions please let me know. URL: https://forms.gle/vrrbA93uH85eVN5X6
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. I am working on a project for my senior capstone. I am discussing the benefits of art and art businesses in our community. I want to research how art businesses benefit the community of Truth or Consequences as well as the artists themselves. Would you please post the following information to the school social media pages? Thank you. Survey Title: Artist Community Survey: Truth or Consequences Survey Information: This survey is for my capstone project in which I am discussing the benefits of art and art businesses. This survey will hopefully give me insight on how the art related businesses benefit the community. Please take a moment to answer the following questions to help me gain data to analyze for my capstone project. I appreciate you taking the time to help me. URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8jUFfK_mgIaaN7GK4hhmkkYW-y5x016tK-0ZjH8c11jpPOQ/viewform?usp=header
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. I am in the process of creating my senior capstone project, which is designing a mural for one of the buildings in Hot Springs High School. Would you be so kind as to post the following information onto the schools social media pages? Survey Title: Hot Springs High School Mural Project Survey Information: I'm a senior at Hot Springs High School, and I have been working on a senior capstone project to better my school and the community. Since I hope to be an artist in the future, I am planning and designing a mural project for one of Hot Springs High Schools buildings. This survey is anonymous and specific, so the data I use will all be unbiased and numerical. Thank you to everyone who participates for contributing to my final goal. URL: https://forms.gle/2xTt7DrbUXmwU8em8
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz
Senior capstone projects are a graduation requirement that integrate core subjects and community involvement. Many students are conducting community surveys to gather data, analyze trends, and apply their findings to their projects and final reports. If you have any questions, contact ssullenger@torcschools.net. I am a senior at Hot Springs High School. I am working on a capstone. I intend to discuss my time at Sierra Vista Hospital as an intern in nursing administration. Can you please post the following information to the school's social media page to help me complete my capstone? Survey Title: SVH Internship for Capstone Survey Information: Hello! I completed my internship for nursing administration at Sierra Vista Hospital. These 5 simple questions are supposed to help me gather data from the community and any insight that may help me for this capstone. I thank you in advance for taking the time to answer these questions! URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZUUkE2_pps4_nFpYctHwN57UeEpxIx2Fe1m-uaecEYerPgg/viewform?usp=header
about 1 month ago, Patricia Schwartz