Career & Technical Education Open House at HSHS

HSHS Yearbook!

Jr/Sr Prom will be April 27th from 7pm to midnight at the Lakeside RV Resort. If your student is inviting someone from outside our school, they will need to pick up a form from the office to allow them to enter; no middle school students and no one over 21 years old are allowed. See Ms. Wilkinson for tickets or buy at the door, $25 per person or $40 for a couple.

You’re invited! This Friday, April 5, 2024. The Hot Springs High School volleyball team will be hosting a volleyball exhibition game. UTEP volleyball will be playing against UNM volleyball. Match starts at 6 PM at Hot Springs High School gymnasium. $1 for students and $3 dollars for adults. Join us in this exciting matchup!

Jostens will be at the High School on Monday, the 8th, starting at 11:00 through lunch to pass out Caps and Gowns!

What do you do when you need immediate help with something tech related? Call Cayden! Cayden Tisdale was chosen by HSHS Staff as the “Best Technological Guru” for the March HSHS PTO Student Recognition Award! Congratulations Cayden!!

You’re invited! This Friday, April 5, 2024. The Hot Springs High School volleyball team will be hosting a volleyball exhibition game. UTEP volleyball will be playing against UNM volleyball. Match starts at 6 PM at Hot Springs High School gymnasium. $1 for students and $3 dollars for adults. Join us in this exciting matchup!

HSHS juniors and seniors had the opportunity to visit the Nee Mexico Workforce Connection Job Fair today!

Thank you to Adventure Vision from Albuquerque- Jared, Liyah, and Dr. Schulte and the New Mexico Rural Vision Program for coming to T or C and providing eye exams for students in our district! We are so thankful for organizations and programs such as these that provide much needed services for our students!

Congratulations to Alma Gutierrez and Claire Frydenlund for being our door prize winners for HSHS Junior/Senior Parent Night!

HSHS is hosting a Jr/Sr Parent Night on February 21st from 4pm to 7pm. Be sure to come and explore various intern, scholarship, and job opportunities, as well as learn information regarding graduation. If you have an opportunity that you would like to share, please contact Martha Hernandez mhernandez@torcschools.net or Melani Armendariz marmendariz@torcschools.net, or call 575-894-8350.

FFA Week! Join in the fun!

Attention Truth or Consequences parents and guardians. Please join us February 15, 2024 at 6 PM at the High School Room 155 for a free Suicide Prevention training held by the New Mexico Department of Health. To RSVP or for questions contact Melani Armendariz at 575-894-8359.

Attention Truth or Consequences parents and guardians. Please join us February 15, 2024 at 6 PM at the High School Room 155 for a free Suicide Prevention training held by the New Mexico Department of Health. To RSVP or for questions contact Melani Armendariz at 575-894-8359.

Junior/Senior Parent Night! Be sure to attend to know what you need for your graduating seniors and what possibilities and opportunities are available for your juniors!

Suicide Prevention Training presented by the Department of Health
RSVP to marmendariz@torcschools.net

Junior/Senior Parent Night! Be sure to attend to know what you need for your graduating senior and what possibilities and opportunities are available for your juniors!

Senior Parents - Jostens has extended their deadline for their discounted price for caps and gowns to Thursday, January 18th. While you will still be able to order after that date, the price will be significantly more. You can order through their website, www.jostens.com or you can call 915-300-0129. Even if you order through their website, you will still need to call them to give your color choice (red, white, or blue). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us - 575-894-8350.

To the parents of all T or C students. Just a friendly reminder today is the last day of school before winter break. The students will return to class on January 4.

Megan Jensen has won the award for being “The Most Likely to Go Above and Beyond” for the December HSHS PTO Student Recognition Award. She is always one to jump in and help where and when the need arises. Congratulation Megan!!