FFA Meeting on Monday! Drive through event. Free burgers and hotdogs to FFA members and their parents. FFA Alumni membership drive.
EBLSP Summer Job Opportunities
Hot Springs High School Daily Schedule
Looking forward to seeing all your (masked) faces!
This is a reminder of how our Cohort Schedule is going to look. If you have any questions, be sure to call and ask!..575-894-8350.
Congratulations to our HSHS FFA students! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Softball Fundraiser
Contact: Gus Cardona
or: Oralia Piper
Renaissance is hosting a poetry contest. *** Go to Renaissance page to vote **** Voting on the poem you like best by "liking" it. They will be posted below in the comments and are posted anonymous. Name of author will be revealed Friday after the winners have been announced during movie night.
Kudos to ALL of our Teachers and Staff for making it through 2020 - these 2 just happen to make the paper!.. Yay Lara! Yay Julian!..
HSHS Honor Roll Assembly!...
THIS Friday!!!!....
Renaissance Movie Night!..
Renaissance Poetry Contest! Contact Mrs. Guaderrama for more details! (mguaderrama@torcschools.net)
Our Tiger TORCHES eSports team practicing League of Legends! If you are interested, reach out to Coach Laredo - laredo@torcschools.net
HSHS Tiger Renaissance is hosting a Movie Night!.. Grab your popcorn and an icy drink and join us for some Gnomeo fun! Contact Marisa Guaderrama mguaderrama@torcschools.net for more details.
TCMSD Board of Education will be holding their Regular Monthly Meeting on
Monday, February 8, 2021. @ 5:30 PM
Agendas Available 72 Hours Before Meeting
All are welcome to attend via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 558 135 8124
Passcode: Tigers
All public comments need to be submitted to Christine Kittel. 575-894-8166
Co-Ed Varsity Soccer off season conditioning has restarted!
Conditioning sessions for co-ed grades 8-12 will be held Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Stadium Field.
We are looking forward to welcoming student athletes back on the pitch! Let a coach know you’re planning to attend so we are ready for you to join a pod!
- Eligibility rules apply.
- Arrive dressed and ready to workout.
- Pods will be 5 athletes to 1 coach.
- Masks must be worn at all times.
- 6ft social distancing will be practiced.
- Bring your own water bottles.
- Activity/Sports Physical completed and submitted (20-21 SY)
- Concussion Course Certification submitted (20-21 SY)
- COVID questionnaires and temperature checks will be completed each session.
- If you or anyone in your household is not feeling well, or you or a household has been exposed to someone that has or tested positive for COVID, please contact a coach and stay home, stay well.
Public fb updates at HSHS Soccer
Coach Amy Claesson, 575-740-1501
Coach Rene Guaderrama, 575-740-4335
Coach Ben Kalminson, 575-649-1422
HSHS Tiger SENIORS - February 15th is the DEADLINE for getting your Senior Pictures, Baby Pictures, and Quotes in to Ms. Boren for the Yearbook! kboren@torcschools.net
TCMS RoadRunner FoodBank
Thursday, Jan. 21st
Thursday, Feb. 18th
Thursday, Mar. 18th
AT TCMS Ag Shop- For any questions please call:
Valerie Montoya @575-894-8350
Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools is hiring!
Available Positions Are:
1. Special Education Teachers
2. Mid School and Elementary Educational Assistants
Please submit all applications to Christine Kittel or Barbara Chavez at 910 N. Date. 575-894-8166
20 COVID vaccines were put aside for TorC Schools’ Staff at SVH today. Nurse Lara Clement was one of the 20 to get her COVID vaccine 💉 today! She said it hurt less than the flu shot. 👍🏼