Attention Hot Springs High School AP Students. For the week of May 3rd -May7th, Seniors will come to the HSHS campus and take their final exams and finish their classes. Students will take their AP exams at assigned times (see website for schedule). When Seniors are not in AP exams, they will attend their regular schedule and finish all exams and coursework including all Edgenuity courses by May 7. Once finished will all assignments and tests, all Seniors must turn in their laptops and power cords to Ms. Bierner in the library and also visit with Ms. Trish in the office before leaving campus. Underclassmen will follow the AP test schedule as posted and continue with their regularly scheduled classes.
Community Schools has brought so much to our School District. In collaboration with School and Community organizations, they help bring great ideas to life!
Community Schools has joined forces with Valerie Montoya and many others in an effort to keep the Roadrunner Food Bank a success. We are all in this together! Tigers Helping Tigers!
Hot Springs High School 2021 Seniors. This is a VERY IMPORTANT reminder that ALL of your assignments, finals, and grades in all of your classes and Edgenuity courses will be finalized May 7th. If you do not complete your courses, you will be in danger of not receiving your diploma on graduation day. You will be allowed to walk, but you will only receive a cover. You will be required to finish your remaining courses during Summer School before June 25th to receive your diploma.
HSHS=Hot Springs High School - Scholarship Opportunity!
Hello and Congratulations Seniors!
The Rotary Club of Truth or Consequences Don’t Meth With Us Program has a great opportunity for you! We are offering four $250.00 cash rewards for the top 4 winners of our essay contest. We hope you are headed for college or vocational school but it is not mandatory to enter your essay.
In your typed essay, in 500 words or less, please tell us this:
1. Did you attend the Don't Meth With Us program when you were in the 5th grade?
2. What do you remember from it?
3. How did it affect the choices you made in your home and school life?
May 15th is the deadline for receiving your essay. The winners will have an opportunity to come to a Rotary lunch and read their essays. Please include your picture from the 5th grade and a senior picture as well. We want to be able to connect who you where then to who you are now. Your essays and photos will be used to further promote the project.
Please email your pictures and essays to Mario diGesu at or mail them to:
Mario diGesu
T or C Physical Therapy
PO Box 3685
T or C NM 87901
Our Arrey Elementary PreK students celebrated Earth 🌍 Day today! Thank you to Ms. Barbra Chavez and Ms. Maria Maldonado! We love 💕 our kids!
We are SO PROUD of SEC Teacher, Monte Mitchell, for earning his Level I teacher credential! His journey with us started as a substitute, a long term substitute, an educational paraprofessional, and an alternative licensure teacher! His determination and commitment are a testament to lifelong learning! Keep reaching high, Mr. Mitchell! Our Tiger Family is proud of you! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
You must submit this directly to the contact given at the end of this message ASAP!..
The Sierra County Republican Party Executive Board met last night and we discussed our desire to provide one Senior student with a $500.00 scholarship. We would like the students who are interested to submit an essay taking a position of one Constitutional Amendment.
Julianne Stroup, Secretary
Sierra County Republican Party
PO Box 4343
Truth or Consequences, NM 87901
A difficult but reflective and thoughtful decision has been made by our administrative team comprised of the Superintendent, Principals, Athletic Director, and School Nurse in remaining vigilant and proactive to combat any further issues to prevent any more exposure due to the recent cases. We are going to a completely virtual learning environment starting 4/21 and returning in person on 4/27.
We will continue in virtual learning using the regular bell schedule of 7 periods. Please continue to have your student log into Schoology. Attendance will be taken similarly as we did during prior virtual learning.
Additionally, this includes no practices for sports, clubs, organization, and no games until the end of this time. We ask that you take this time to remain vigilant so that we can open back up as soon as possible so that we may continue to have in person learning, games, banquets, and ceremonies to finish off the school year with planned calendar of events.
Upon return on 4/27 keep in mind if anyone doesn’t feel well, isolate and test. Masks must be worn properly and continue with social distancing. If your student doesn’t feel well, they MUST stay home and get tested.
We will come back in person on 4/27 unless otherwise informed. Stay safe everyone.
There is a ranch hand position available at the Ladder Ranch. Must have ranch work experience. Please contact Dustin Long via email. with a resume, references, and they follow up with interviews in town.
If your student attended the Community Dance at the Fair Barn this last weekend, they have been exposed to a confirmed positive COVID case. If you are feeling symptomatic, please take necessary precautions, get tested, or isolate at home.
HSHS is accepting donations for Hot Springs High School Jr/Sr Prom on May 15th, 7pm-10pm. We are accepting girls gowns/dresses and boys suits, jackets, and ties. All donations can be brought to HSHS office. Additionally, ANY girls needing help with make-up or hair, please contact Mrs. Bartoo at the high school; she and her daughters have volunteered to assist!
HSHS Jr/Sr Prom! This will be hosted in the HSHS Outside Courtyard on May 15th, 7pm to 10pm. Tickets are mandatory - please see Ms. Anderson (room 114) or Mrs. Wyatt (room 144).
Welcome to the New Mexico Community Survey funded by the New Mexico Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (NM OSAP) and administered by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE). Please fill out this anonymous survey for data collection of information that may help our community and state. There will be a drawing to win a $100-$500 prize for completing the survey online one time. Survey closes May 5th. Thank you.
Link to survey:
Survey for Adults Only-available in English and Spanish
For Parents, Families, and Community Members (all over 18 years of age)
Blood Drive is Tomorrow!.. Thursday! If you have not already signed up, please come to the HSHS Gymnasium from 9AM to 1PM. Give Blood, Save A Life!.
Due to multiple positive COVID-19 cases in Socorro Independent School District, our Middle School Boys and Girls Basketball game is cancelled tomorrow.
Also cancelled is the golf tournament in Socorro on April 20th and Hot Springs High School’s Boys and Girls Basketball games on April 20th. Sad day for the Tigers and the Warriors.
Estimada familia y comunidad Tigere:
El estado de Nuevo Mexico de Educacion Publica solicita a todos los distritos escolares del estado que aborden la pérdida de aprendizaje debido al impacto de COVID-19. La legislatura estatal aprobó fondos para que los distritos implementen el Programa de tiempo de aprendizaje extendido (10 días adicionales de escuela, 80 horas de desarrollo profesional requerido para todos los maestros y programación extracurricular requerida) y / o K5 Plus (25 días adicionales de escuela). Después de hablar con los miembros del personal para obtener comentarios, todos los directores y el personal de la oficina central han determinado que las limitaciones de estos dos programas dificultan la implementación, por lo que no vamos a solicitor los para el próximo año. En cambio, en un esfuerzo por "reimaginar la escuela" después de COVID 19, queremos proponer hacer la escuela de manera diferente al obtener información sobre el cambio a un calendario escolar de todo el año (6 semanas de vacaciones de verano, en lugar de 10, y 3 semanas de vacaciones de otoño en octubre y vacaciones de primavera de 3 semanas en marzo). La Escuela Primaria de Arrey ha tenido un calendario anual en el pasado y, según su comunidad escolar, ha funcionado bien como una forma de minimizar el agotamiento de los estudiantes y maestros, así como la pérdida de aprendizaje durante el verano. Ambos calendarios tendrían el mismo número de días escolares. Entendemos que esto afectará a todos de diferentes maneras, por lo que queremos escuchar a todos. Tomaremos una decisión sobre lo que es mejor para nuestros estudiantes, incluso si puede ser un inconveniente para algunos, acelerar su desarrollo socioemocional y rendimiento académico. El cuestionario se cerrará el domingo 2 de mayo a las 6:00 pm.
Se proporcionará una recomendación a la Junta Escolar durante la reunión de la Junta Escolar del 10 de mayo a las 5:30.
Muchas gracias. ¡Mi equipo y yo esperamos leer sus comentarios!
Superintendente, Dr. Channell Segura
Our new baseball ⚾️ and softball 🥎 fields are coming along nicely!