Happy New Year to our Tiger Community! May 2022 bring joy, love, laughter, kindness, patience, and health.
Dear Tiger Staff, Students, and Families.
This is to notify you that our school district servers have been hacked with ransomware. We are working closely with law enforcement, our insurance authority, and a cybersecurity team to determine next steps. As for right now, we need all staff and students to log off your school issued laptops or iPads and turn them off until further notice. We hope to remedy this situation as soon as possible, but this may take a few weeks. We still plan on having staff return to school on Monday, January 3rd, and students return on Thursday, January 6th. Attendance and instruction will have to take place via paper and pencil and without computer access to Schoology, PowerSchool, Edgenuity, or other programs. Our district phones are also down as they are on the server. We will keep you updated as we navigate this situation. Thank you.
Gingerbread Houses that the Science Olympiad students in Ms. Renee Stratton’s class made! Happy Holidays!
Great food and fun at the Superintendent’s First Annual Ornament Exchange and Luncheon! May all be merry and bright, Tigers! 🎄🌟🎁🐯
Hot Springs High School’s JROTC proudly raised money for cancer awareness. We have GREAT STUDENTS!
Hi Tigers! Click on the link below to read along with Superintendent Segura as she rings in the winter season with a story called, "Little Red Sleigh."
Students learned about fractions and key vocabulary (numerator, denominator, equivalents, decompose) through multiple modalities in Mrs. Pam Ruffini’s 4th grade class today. It was GRRREAT!!!
Superintendent Segura and the TorC School Board at the NMSBA Annual Conference in Albuquerque. New members were sworn in today and current members renewed their oath. All are excited about supporting our students’ success!
Estimadas familias de tigres,
Con un aumento en los casos positivos de COVID en nuestra comunidad, es más importante que nunca asegurarse de que sus estudiantes se queden en casa si no se sienten bien. También es importante asegurarse de que sus estudiantes usen sus máscaras faciales correctamente todos los días, ya que eso evitará que tengan que ponerse en cuarentena si están expuestos a un individuo con COVID positivo en su escuela o salón de clases. Tenemos dos semanas más hasta las vacaciones de invierno. Necesitamos a todos nuestros estudiantes en la escuela todos los días. Trabajemos juntos para asegurarnos de que esto suceda.
Dear Tiger Families,
With an increase in COVID-positive cases in our community, it is more crucial than ever to make sure that your student(s) stay at home if they are not feeling well. It is also important to make sure your student(s) are wearing their face masks properly every day, as that will prevent them from having to quarantine if they are exposed to a COVID-positive individual in their school or classroom. We have two more weeks until Winter Break. We need all of our students in school every day. Let's work together to make sure this happens.
Thank you.
Can we just give a "SHOUT OUT" to all our educators and staff who are working miracles and making a difference every day for our students?
Dear Tiger Family and Friends,
This semester, we implemented FLEx Fridays (Flexible Learning EXperience) where students who are in good academic standing can work remotely from home to complete missing or incomplete assignments, get a job (work study), participate in internships/mentorships, have collaborative study groups, academic support, practice athletics/activities, etc.. For students who are not in good academic standing, FLEx Fridays has provided time for them to work toward improving mastery of their Power Standards with their teachers in smaller group settings. Our principals, teachers, and staff have worked together to make this work as best as possible given the many challenges that COVID has presented. Now that we have implemented FLEx Fridays, we are looking at how to make it best work for our students, teachers, staff, and families.
It has been a struggle for schools to keep students on campus on Friday afternoons when they are supposed to be collaborating in Professional Learning Communities. Because of this, we are exploring the possibility of having an early release on Fridays for all students where students will work asynchronously on their school assignments from home in the afternoons. Students in attendance on Fridays will be dismissed from school around 11:45, will be given a sack lunch, and will leave campus by bus, car, or parent pickup. We are working with The Club and Appletree to provide afterschool options. Please let us know if an early release on Fridays for students would work for you and/or your family, or if you would need afterschool services for your student(s).
Click on the following link to complete the survey:
Thank you,
Superintendent Segura
Querida familia y amigos de Tiger:
Este semestre, implementamos FLEx Fridays (Experiencia de aprendizaje flexible) donde los estudiantes que están en buena posición académica pueden trabajar de forma remota desde casa para completar tareas faltantes o incompletas, conseguir un trabajo (trabajo y estudio), participar en pasantías / tutorías, tener grupos de estudio colaborativo. , apoyo académico, práctica de atletismo / actividades, etc. Para los estudiantes que no están en buena posición académica, FLEx Fridays les ha proporcionado tiempo para trabajar hacia el dominio de sus Estándares de Poder con sus maestros en entornos de grupos más pequeños. Nuestros directores, maestros y personal han trabajado juntos para hacer que esto funcione lo mejor posible dados los muchos desafíos que ha presentado COVID. Ahora que hemos implementado FLEx Fridays, estamos buscando cómo hacer que funcione mejor para nuestros estudiantes, maestros, personal y familias. Ha sido una lucha para las escuelas mantener a los estudiantes en el campus los viernes por la tarde cuando se supone que deben colaborar en comunidades de aprendizaje profesional. Debido a esto, estamos explorando la posibilidad de tener una salida temprana los viernes para todos los estudiantes donde los estudiantes trabajarán de forma asincrónica en sus tareas escolares desde casa por las tardes. Los estudiantes que asistan los viernes saldrán de la escuela alrededor de las 11:45, se les dará un almuerzo en bolsa y saldrán del campus en autobús, automóvil o para que los padres lo recojan. Estamos trabajando con The Club y Appletree para brindar opciones para después de la escuela. Háganos saber si una salida temprana los viernes para los estudiantes funcionaría para usted y / o su familia, o si necesitaría servicios después de la escuela para sus estudiante(s).
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para completar la encuesta:
Superintendente Segura
Classes resume tomorrow at all TCMSD schools. We hope you all had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Break!
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁🍽 to our Tiger Family and Friends.
The Truth or Consequences Municipal School District will be closed next week (November 22nd-26th) for Thanksgiving Break. We would like to wish our students, staff, families, and community members a very happy Thanksgiving! May you all rest, relax, stay safe, make good decisions, gobble lots of turkey, enjoy family and friends, and reflect on the gifts we do have, however big or small. We are grateful for ALL of you Tigers and Tiger Fans!
Congratulations to Ms. Sherry Copeland!!! Our mathematics teacher extraordinaire!!!
Good afternoon, Tiger Families.
We have experienced an uptick in COVID-positive cases and an increase in the need to quarantine many classes and staff members throughout the District, which has placed the function of our District at an extreme disadvantage. Starting tomorrow, we will be shifting to remote synchronous teaching and learning for all schools for the remainder of the week to reset before Thanksgiving Break. We understand that this is not ideal, but it is important to mitigate the spread of the virus and to ensure we don’t have supervision issues due to so many staff being out sick. Please make sure all your students have their digital devices and a schedule to follow for remote instruction for Wednesday and Thursday. Friday is FLEx Friday, so please have your students reach out to their teachers if they need support.
Thank you and stay safe.
Let’s support our Lady Tigers!
With the permission of the family, we as the Truth or Consequences Municipal School District are posting this memorial to give our deepest condolences to the family and friends of our beloved custodian, Braulio “Art” Montoya. We send our love, strength, and ongoing support to the family during this very difficult time. He was a man who made a positive impact on so many throughout our community and he will be greatly missed. We wrap you all in our thoughts and love.
Below is the digital ticketing link for the matches being played on Friday and Saturday in Rio Rancho, as walk-up/cash sales are not allowed.
Rudy's Real Texas Bar-B-Q State Volleyball Championships - Day 1 (Friday) - https://gofan.co/app/events/446854?schoolId=NMAA
Rudy's Real Texas Bar-B-Q State Volleyball Championships – Day 2 (Saturday) - https://gofan.co/app/events/446856?schoolId=NMAA