
Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you enjoyed your summer and ready to start your new school year! The Club wants to remind students and parents that the club hours will be changing for the school year to 3pm to 6pm. The Club will be open from 12pm to 6pm on Flex Fridays.  Friday, Aug 6th, The Club will be closed for training.

  • The Club is often open extended hours during school breaks.
  • Transportation is provided from TCMS and HSHS after school and to The Club.
  • If your student is in sports/band etc, The Club will transport students back to school for practice.

We offer Life skills, Art, Music, E-sports, Enrichment, Literacy, Homework Help, Tutoring and much more!

Pick up a free membership form for 6th – 12th graders in your schools office or at The Club!

We look forward to seeing our previous youth and new faces!

If you have youth 16+ we encourage them to apply for part time shifts after school!

If you have any questions please contact:

Charis Baxter

Program Director

122 N. Broadway
