Teacher Of The Year - Julian Marta
(article written by The TorCh)
Though into home grown, our teacher of the year, Julian Marta has planted deep and strong roots in Sierra County soil. Texas born and breed, Mr. Marta moved to New Mexico from Sierra Blanca, Texas in 2011. His first teaching assignment was in Reserve, where he taught science and Ag before moving here. Mr. Marta took up his post teaching Ag at Hot Springs High School in 2015. Throwing himself completely into a position that has always been more a calling than simply a job, he also became the teacher-advisor for the Hot Springs FFA chapter. Those familiar with the Ag program and activities of the FFA know Mr. Marta well, as he is deeply involved in all their many programs, activities and events. “FFA is easily a fulltime job in itself, and Hot Springs has always been a chapter recognized across the state,” Mr. Marta told us. The program has continued to flourish under his guidance.
Weekends, evenings and days off, the hours are frequently consumed with responsibilities with the FFA, and 4-H. Working with Ag students, breeding, raising, showing animals is a task and a lifestyle that goes on 24/7 and doesn’t wait for sunny days and holidays off.
Mr. Marta finds his hobbies and time off blends well into the work he does, both in classroom and with the FFA. “I like spending time with livestock, my own or students. This includes their projects, especially with beef cattle and horses.” He has been a regular at the county fair livestock showings and auctions since arriving, with duties that go far beyond those that most people see. Being called out in the evening hours to check on a student’s project steer, horse of swine goes with the territory for Mr. Marta. If the chapter sends teams to FFA events, state and national conventions, or hosts their own LDE’s and other activities, their success is a result of Mr. Marta’s dedication, though he would tell it a different way. “These students, they really take the lead and the great results we achieve are because of their abilities and hard work. They are the ones who deserve all the credit.”
Like everyone, Mr. Marta is looking forward to a return of more normal times soon to come. But restrictions or not, Mr. Marta’s dedication to his students, and the animals in their care, as well as those of his own, is something that has not really changed much this year. From dawn to dusk and even late-night emergencies, weekdays or weekends, Julian is always there, lending a hand, imparting of his knowledge and experience, and supporting the students who are central to the man that he is.