Co-Ed Varsity Soccer off season conditioning has restarted!
Conditioning sessions for co-ed grades 8-12 will be held Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Stadium Field.
We are looking forward to welcoming student athletes back on the pitch! Let a coach know you’re planning to attend so we are ready for you to join a pod!
- Eligibility rules apply.
- Arrive dressed and ready to workout.
- Pods will be 5 athletes to 1 coach.
- Masks must be worn at all times.
- 6ft social distancing will be practiced.
- Bring your own water bottles.
- Activity/Sports Physical completed and submitted (20-21 SY)
- Concussion Course Certification submitted (20-21 SY)
- COVID questionnaires and temperature checks will be completed each session.
- If you or anyone in your household is not feeling well, or you or a household has been exposed to someone that has or tested positive for COVID, please contact a coach and stay home, stay well.
Public fb updates at HSHS Soccer
Coach Amy Claesson, 575-740-1501
Coach Rene Guaderrama, 575-740-4335
Coach Ben Kalminson, 575-649-1422