Join us this evening for our Winter Wonderland Movie Series 🎥, Home Alone Part 2. The movie will begin at 7:00 so get your snacks and get cozy for some Tiger 🐯 movie-watching fun! Zoom meeting info is on the flyer! Hope to see you soon!

Join us this evening for the first showing of our Winter Wonderland Movie Series 🎥, Home Alone Part 1. The movie will begin at 7:00 so get your snacks and get cozy for some Tiger 🐯 movie-watching fun! Zoom meeting info is on the flyer! Hope to see you soon!

Calling on our Tigers to participate in our T or C Schools’ Winter Wonderland Contests and Movie Series! Let’s have some fun!

We wish our Tiger Family and Friends a very happy Thanksgiving!

Our amazing Tiger Student Nutrition Staff with the biggest hearts ♥️ preparing meals to distribute to our families for Thanksgiving Break. #ittakesatigervillage

Dear Tiger Students, Staff, and Families:
Please complete our TCMSD 5-Year Strategic Plan for Student Success. This will provide us with feedback regarding improvements that you think we need to make regarding academics, athletics/activities, facilities and more!
Click on the link below:

Dear Tigers,
Click on the link below to listen to Superintendent Segura's Updates as we prepare for Thanksgiving Break:

TorC School District is holding a Special Board Of Education Meeting. Monday, November 23, 2020 at 5:30 PM. All are welcome to attend via Zoom.
Meeting ID:558 135 8124 Meeting Password: Tigers (case sensitive)

We Are All In This Together! Let's Stay Safe and Healthy, Tigers!

Dear Tiger Families,
Attached is information in English and Spanish from the NMPED regarding supporting student growth at home. It is an overview for families on how to monitor and support students during remote learning.

Tiger Family and Friends!
Please take a moment to provide input regarding our next 5-Year District Strategic Plan for Student Success. We want to hear from everyone: staff, students, families, and community members regarding what our top priorities should be as we begin to work to align, implement, and redesign what we do to provide our students with the skills and knowledge they will need for college, career, and life readiness! Thank you!
Click on the link below to access our questionnaire:

Food Service routes will not be operating this Friday, November, 20th and through the Thanksgiving Break. Food Service Routes will resume normal operations on Monday November, 30th.

Tiger Families,
We apologize for the inconvenience of our phone lines being down. In the case that you need to speak with someone urgently, please visit your student's school or central services directly. Thank you for your understanding.

We thank our Veterans for their service!

Good looking and talented group of Tiger Cub educators! We love our TCMS staff! #TigerStrong

Cole Segura (TCMS) and Mikayla Cochran-Seeley (HSHS) were recognized by their teachers as T or C Rotary and T or C Municipal Schools’ Students of the Month! 🤩🤩 #TigerStrong

Telehealth therapy services for students 10 years and older.

Download the app to learn about mental health resources available to you and your family.

Dear Tiger Families:
This is Superintendent Segura. With the holidays quickly approaching we need to talk about the week of Thanksgiving break. Monday November 23rd through Friday the 27th there is no school. Our student nutrition staff will be making food boxes for families to pick up for that week. Each box will include breakfast and lunch for kids 1 to 18 years old. If you would like to reserve a meal box for your family, please contact the secretary at your child’s school with the number of students in the house, as well as a name for the meal box. All meal boxes may be picked up at Hot Springs High School on Friday November 20th from 8:30 to 12:30. Arrey Elementary families may pick up their meal boxes at Arrey Elementary School from 8:30-10:30. The deadline to reserve a meal box is November 13th at 2:30pm.
We would also like to remind students and families to follow the current state public health order and to be diligent about COVID-safe practices which include:
1. Staying home when sick
2. Frequent hand washing
3. Social distancing
4. Mask wearing
5. No out of state travel
6. Staying home unless it is an emergency
We want our state to allow us to bring back all our students, but we will not be able to if we continue to experience an increase in COVID-positive cases in our county and state. Please do your part so our Tigers can come back to school.
Thank you and have a great evening.

Here are the T or C "Fall Fun Spooktacular" Contest winners! Thank you to all our students for submitting your creative entries. It was difficult for our judges to choose. All participants will receive a goody bag and all contest winners will receive a $20.00 Sonic gift card.