TCMSD Board of Education will be holding their Regular Monthly Meeting Monday January 11th, 2021. @ 5:30 PM Agenda is Available HERE All are welcome to attend via Zoom. Meeting ID: 558 135 8124 Passcode: Tigers Join Zoom Meeting via Link:
about 4 years ago, Christine Kittel
BOE notice 1-11-21
Tiger Families! Please go pick up your free meals! We don’t want good food to go to waste.
about 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
Tiger Students and Families, Our School Board voted in favor of adjusting our traditional grade scale to an equitable grade scale for our middle and high school students for the 20-21 school year given that they have not been given the opportunity to attend school in-person, as well as the challenges we have all faced with the COVID pandemic. This means that we are implementing a 50-Point Floor to allow students who faced challenges early on to be able to work hard to achieve passing grades. Please reach out to your teachers and principals to get more information. It's time to reengage in school, Tigers!
about 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
Fitness and conditioning pods to restart soon! Get ready, Tigers 🐅!
about 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
NMSU College Information for Families
about 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
The TorC School Board will be holding a meeting on January 11th, 2021, at 5:30 PM. This meeting is completely remote. Please attend via Zoom. Zoom meeting ID: 5581358124 Password: Tigers
about 4 years ago, Christine Kittel
BOE notice 1-11-21
Thank you to Hot Springs Physical Therapy and Olive Tree for being able to provide this opportunity to our Tiger student athletes!
about 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
Welcome back, and Happy New Year to our Tiger Family and Friends! Please review the schedule below for our first week of Semester Two!
about 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
May our Tiger Family and Friends enjoy a safe, healthy, and happy Winter Break!
about 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
Superintendent Segura with Hot Springs High School Student of the Month, Oscar “Danny” Palomares! Go Tiger Scholars!
about 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
Season's Greetings from TCMSD Student Nutrition Staff!
about 4 years ago, Christine Kittel
Season's Greetings from TCMSD Student Nutrition Staff!
Cafe Staff
Season's Greetings from TCMSD Student Nutrition Staff!
Winter Break Food Distribution Times
about 4 years ago, Christine Kittel
Winter Break Food Distribution Times
TCMSD Board of Education will be holding a Working Session Board Meeting Friday, December, 18 @ 1:00PM. Agenda is Available Upon Request All are welcome to attend via Zoom. Meeting ID: 558 135 8124 Passcode: Tigers
about 4 years ago, Christine Kittel
Special BOE Meeting
Day 2 of Midterm Exams! Focus and do well, Tigers! We believe in you!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
TorC Schools 2 week 100% Remote Learning Session
over 4 years ago, Christine Kittel
TorC Schools 2 week 100% Remote Learning Session
We send positive scholarly vibes to our Middle School and High School Tigers who begin their midterm exams today! You’ve got this, Tigers! Rock those exams!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
Who is this elf working away? Oh! It's HSHS's Principal! Mr. Peil!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
over 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
Winter ❄️ Wonderland Contest Entries!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura
Superintendent Segura received a special surprise visit from one of her favorite Tiger students, Megan Jensen, who brought along some homemade cookies and a gift. 💖
over 4 years ago, Superintendent, Dr. Channell Segura