Aprendamos (Krystal Chavarria) donated and dropped off diapers and wipes for AES Community Schools Pantry to distribute. Thank you!! We appreciate your service to our community and continued support towards AES Community Schools efforts.
AES Community Schools and F.O. E. continue to work together and serve our community. F.O.E. (Misty Alanis) provided the plastic eggs and filling as well as fresh eggs for dyeing for our AES Students to help give back to our community. Students had a wonderful time coloring and filling eggs to prepare for the annual easter egg hunt, food, fun and prizes F.O.E. coordinates. Thank you for letting us be part of this. We appreciate your support.
Today, April 15, 2022, AES participated in our annual egg hunt organized by student council. Thank you, Mrs. Ruffini and Mrs. Mendoza, for assisting student council in this fabulous event. A huge shout out to our fabulous cafeteria staff as well (Mrs. Rosemary Salas an Mrs. Monica Bencomo) for providing snacks and refreshments. Students had a great time.